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The Hedgery
Hedgehog Wait List

Page Update: 2/20/24

If you didn't see your perfect hedgehog on the Available Hedgehogs page or we currently don't have any at this time, you may sign up for our Wait List. You can check our planned pairings on the Upcoming Litters page.


To get on the Wait List you must fill out a Hedgehog Adoption Application, once approved, a $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit must be made.


When babies become available, the Wait List will get the opportunity to choose in order of the list. Once contacted, you have 24 hrs to choose or you will be skipped for the next person on the list. Breeders will always get first choice over the Wait List. Waitlisters may pass on a litter 1 time to wait for the next litter. If you do not choose the 2nd time, you will be removed from the Wait List and forfeit your deposit. Once the Wait List has chosen, availability will be open to the public.

​Summer 2024






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