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The Hedgery
Hedgehog Adoption Q & A

This Q&A is designed to answer questions on how to Adopt a hedgehog from Pixie Pets and goes over a few of my policies as well. More information can be found on the  Hedgehog Policies page. If you still have any questions, Contact me.

Where can I learn proper care?

You can find an in depth care guide under the Hedgeucation tab.


Are your hedgehogs pedigreed?

Yes. Pixie Pets only has pedigreed hedgehogs.


Are pedigrees important?

Domesticated hedgehogs have a limited gene pool. Buying a pedigreed hog prevents inbreeding that results in health issues and genetic diseases.


How much are your hedgehogs?

I have recently changed my prices, all babies are now $250 regardless of color, mask, temperament, except full mask babies which are $300. If you are already on the Wait List, you will still get your baby at the previous price. Adults will be available from time to time and are usually $150 or less.

For all adoptions, a $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is required to reserve your desired hedgie. The deposit will be deducted from the total price.

New Policy: If you are a previous customer of mine and would like to add another bundle of spikes to your family, we now offer a preferred customer discount. Take an extra $50 off retired adults! Sometimes this will make the hog free! New customers can enjoy this same offer when buying a complete setup!


Can I breed my hedgehog?

No. All of the hedgehogs at Pixie Pets are for Pet ONLY homes. While these hogs are pedigreed, you will not be given a copy of the full pedigree on adoption. If you wish to become a breeder, breeding rights can be purchased for $50 if the correct conditions are met. Established breeders may pass the application process and contact me directly.


Do you have a health guarantee?

Yes, you can find details on health guarantees under the Hedgehog Policies page.


How old do I have to be to adopt?

You must be at least 18 years old. If you are under 18, you must have a parent or guardian present on pickup to sign the adoption agreement.


Can I adopt multiple hedgehogs at once?

In general no. I do not sell multiples to the same household. Hedgehogs are solitary animals and will fight and/or kill each other in most situations if housed together. In order to adopt multiple hogs or an additional hog at a separate date, you must provide proof of more than one setup.


I don't live in Indiana, can I still get a hedgehog from you?

Yes, Pixie Pets can help you arrange transport through USDA licensed transporters. You will be responsible for the expense and meeting the transporter. Pixie Pets will arrange transport for you, therefore the entire NON-REFUNDABLE fee of $200 is due at the time of deposit placement. Please read the policies on transportation on the Hedgehog Policies page.


Do you deliver to Indiana residents?

I am able to travel for $50 per hour for up to 3 hrs to north, west, and central Indiana, lower Michigan, and western Ohio. A public location will be chosen at time of scheduling, typically a gas station off an interstate or major highway, I will not deliver directly to your door. Meet up fees are NON-REFUNDABLE and due at the time of deposit.


What do you have available?

Head on over to the Available Hedgehogs page to see what I currently have. If no hogs are available or you do not see your perfect hog, you may sign up to the Wait List. You can also see my Upcoming Litters.


I'm ready to adopt. What now?

You must fill out a Hedgehog Adoption Application. Links to the form are also available on the Available Hedgehogs page, the Wait List page, and the Upcoming Litters page. Once the application is submitted, you will be contacted that you have been approved. If you do not hear back from Pixie Pets in 1 week, your application has been denied. In this case you may re-apply or contact me to get more info on how to be approved.


My Application was approved. What now?

Upon approval, you will need to purchase the $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit as well as any transport or travel fees within 48 hours once contacted by Pixie Pets. Failure to do so will forfeit your place in the queue. This might mean that you will have to go on the next Wait List if all hogs get chosen before I here from you.


I'd like to be put on the Wait List. What now?

You must fill out a Hedgehog Adoption Application. Links to the form are also available on the Available Hedgehogs page, the Wait List page, and the Upcoming Litters page. Once the application is submitted, you will be contacted that you have been approved. If you do not hear back from Pixie Pets in 1 week, your application has been denied. In this case you may re-apply or contact me to get more info on how to be approved. Upon approval, you will need to purchase the $50 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit within 48 hours. When litters become available, you will be contacted in order of the list. If you do not pick within 24 hours, you will be skipped for the next person. Once the Wait List has chosen, all available hogs left will be open to the public. If you do not see your perfect hog or there are no more available hogs, your deposit will be rolled over to the next litter. You can roll your deposit to the next litter a total of 1 time before you forfeit the deposit and your spot on the Wait List.


I Paid my deposit. What now?

Choose your hog of course! We will schedule a pickup, meetup, or transporter once you have chosen. Failure to pick up on the scheduled date will result in a forfeiture of your chosen hog and the next person on the wait list will be contacted. Failure to arrive at the meetup destination will result in a forfeiture of your chosen hog as well as your travel fee. You will also need to show proof of setup before your scheduled date in the form of pictures. Your setup must include enclosure, bedding, wheel, at least 1 hide or snuggle sack, heat source with thermostat, and food labels. Pixie Pets reserves the right to push back or deny adoption until a proper setup can be established. If you need assistance, I am always happy to help. Pixie Pets has full cage setups and individual supplies! I am currently working on getting everything up on the website.


When will my hedgehog be ready?

All of the babies will have ready by dates, but typically Pixie Pets sends babies home at around 8 weeks old. All babies must be holding 200g before going home.


What do I need to bring at pickup?

Bring a soft or hard sided carrier or a small tote. You will need something like a fleece blanket or a shirt that smells like you. You will not be allowed to take home your hedgehog in your lap. You will need to bring the rest of your adoption fee in cash. I do not accept checks or credit. You will also need a valid ID. If you are under 18, you will need a parent or guardian with a valid ID.


What do I get from you on pickup?

Your hog of course! I will send you home with a 3 week's supply of my kibble mix, a  birth certificate (this is not the pedigree), a copy of my care guide, and your copy of your signed contract.


I no longer want my hedgehog or cannot afford to keep it. What can I do?

Pixie Pets will accept all surrenders without prejudice or judgement (even when not purchased from Pixie Pets) as long as there is available space to do so. Details can be found on the Hedgehog Policies page. NEVER release your hedgehog into the wild, North America does not have native hedgehogs. African pygmy hedgehogs will die if turned loose. Please Contact me if you would like to surrender your hog.


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